De Bruin Zutphen is a specialist in the development and production of process tanks and boilers for the food processing and pharmaceutical industries. De Bruin Tankbouw purchased the factory building and machines from Terlet Zutphen on 6 January 2020. The production of food tanks for the food sector has now been completely moved to Zutphen.
“The new location means we can physically separate food and non-food, and we can scale up production.”
All knowledge in-house
De Bruin has continued production at the Zutphen location where tanks and boilers have been produced at the highest level for more than 100 years, and it is here that our customer-specific products are built by highly experienced employees.
Soups, sauces, dairy products, chocolate, eggs, etc., and even more highly viscous products can be mixed, cooked, crystallised, cooled, pasteurised or even sterilised in De Bruin’s tanks and boilers.
Naturally, all the pressure parts are supplied with PED approval. The tanks and boilers are designed by our own engineering department. We can even design a complete production line, including piping, pumps and valves and automation.
We will continue to focus on tanks for the non-food industry in Uddel, and our food tanks will continue to be produced in Zutphen. The separation between the production locations guarantees that the special treatment necessary for the food sector is guaranteed.